
Monday, May 11, 2015

Fascinating Fun Facts

By Habsa Dia

Here’s a list of some facts that you might not have known.

* Looking at the sun nonstop for 20 minutes has been proven to strengthen retinas.
* Photosynthesis is a myth.
* If you feed a bird rice upside-down, they’ll explode.
* If you cut a long vegetable lengthwise, the amount of vitamins doubles when eaten.
* When you sneeze too hard, you can crack your friend’s sternum.
* Spiders still have control in Hungary.
* Cats have 10 lives.
* Duct tape was originally intended for ducks to use.
* Nail polish was supposed to be used as long-lasting eye shadow, but it was later determined that it looks better on nails.
* The taller you are, the fewer mosquitos you attract.
* Human eyes can grow back.
* It is completely safe to have a plugged toaster in a filled bathtub.
* In Wisconsin, if you poke your dog in front of a police officer, you can receive up to 15 years in prison on charges of loitering.
* The further south you go, the less you weigh.
* Every year on June 31st, pets are allowed in any restaurant.

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