
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Annual Emergence of Debbie Downer

By Ellen Woodward
            As the winter months come upon us, people often feel a little more depressed and less carefree and exuberant as they had been in the previous summer and spring months. But why? 
            Scientists don’t have an exact answer to that question.  It is thought to be an involvement of genetics, brain chemicals and ions in the air.  Some studies have shown that people who are suffering from Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD), or seasonal depression, feel better after significant exposure to sunlight.  This makes sense due to the shorter hours of sunlight in the winter.
            To fight winter depression, try to enjoy the time of day when the sun is out.  Also, think about socializing and exercising as much as possible, and find activities that will get you out of the house and reduce the risk of developing “cabin fever.”

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